
ABSTRACT Prospect evaluation starts with laboratory studies of various enhanced oil recovery (EOR) processes. Results of EOR floods in waterflooded cores are given for caustic, dilute surfactant, mi cellar solution flooding, and polymer augmented waterflooding. In this work, partially hydrolyzed polyacrylamide (PHPA) was used as the mobility control agent. A pilot scale PHPA manufacturing plant, built in the field, supplied polymer for both lab and field testing. Results are presented from a polymer injectivity test at a water injection well. The injection well completion and surface facilities used in the test are described. Water to polymer injectivity is compared as a function of polymer concentration. Pressure data are used to establish the effect of polymer on solution mobility in the reservoir. Computer modeling was also used to match the lab and field results and to predict field oil recoveries for making economic calculations. Economic studies are the final step in the prospect evaluation procedures. Economic results using the same example field project for two different EOR methods are presented.

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