
Publisher Summary This chapter discusses the Eocene–Oligocene boundary in Western Germany. Important stratigraphic gaps are widespread in Northwest Germany close to the Eocene–Oligocene boundary. However, there are regions with more or less undisturbed marine sedimentation. In the Upper Rhine Graben and Mainz Basin, correlation by means of planktonic fossil zonation is only possible in the foraminifera marls (NP23) and Middle Pechelbronn Beds (NP22). The age of the remaining formations cannot be defined precisely. The Eocene Basis Clay is—at least to a large part—older than Lutetian. However it might also have been formed in younger stages. The most valuable information on the Eocene–Oligocene boundary in the Bavarian alpine foreland is supplied by the southern segment of the Helvetic Zone. In the limestone Alps and near the Untersberg deposits of Late Priabonian and of Early Oligocene occur as allochthonous pebble.

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