
The Jahrum Formation is a major Eocene carbonate deposit of High Zagros in the west of Iran. It consists of thin bedded to thick massive limestone, accumulated on a shallow marine platform within the Neo-Tethys Ocean realm. Fifty-five surface samples were collected throughout a 215 m section in the Kalbibak area (Boldaji region, Chahar Mahal Bakhtiari province). The stratigraphic distribution of benthic foraminifers allows characterizing five foraminiferal biozones, which are in the following order: Alveolina aff. schwageri Taxon Range Zone, A. decastroi Taxon Range Zone, A. aff. frumentiformis–A. cf. stercusmuris Interval Zone, A. aff. stercusmuris–A. aff. fusiformis Interval Zone and Nummulites–Alveolina Assemblage Zone. The benthic foraminiferal associations in the studied area are similar to those recorded in Tethys realms and enable us to correlate the Jahrum Formation with the early to middle Eocene. Keywords: benthic foraminifers, biostratigraphy, Jahrum Formation, Kalbibak section, West Iran.

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