
Rodents from the Nuhetingboerhe-Huheboerhe area in the Erlian Basin, Inner Mongolia, differ stratigraphically: primitive ctenodactyloids such as Chenomys and Yuanomys are dominant in the upper part of the Nomogen Formation; Tamquammys dominates in the Arshanto Formation; Asiomys, Pappocricetodon, and Yuomys appear in the lower part of the Irdin Manha Formation and Tamquammys is rarer in this formation than in the Arshanto Formation. The assemblage of the upper part of the Nomogen Formation is similar to that of the Lingcha Formation of Hunan, the Wutu Formation of Shandong, the Yuhuangding Formation of Hubei, and the Bumban Member of the Nara-Bulak Formation of Mongolia. The assemblage in the upper part of the Arshanto Formation is correlated with that from the locality Andarak 2 in Kyrgyzstan. The assemblage from the lower part of the Irdin Manha Formation resembles that of the lower part of the Hetaoyuan Formation of Henan.On the basis of the comparison of the rodent assemblages, I consider that the age of upper part of the Nomogen Formation corresponds to the Bumbanian land mammal age. The Bumbanian, Arshantan, and Irdinmanhan land mammal ages are correlated respectively to the early Ypresian, the middle–late Ypresian, and the early Lutetian of the Geological Time Scale. The Bumbanian and Irdinmanhan land mammal ages are also correlated to the early Wasatchian and the early Uintan (or the later Bridgerian) of the North American Land Mammal Ages.

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