
This document contains 275 entries for new enzymes which have come to light since the finalization of the 1984 edition at the end of November, 1983, and the publication of Supplement 1 (Eur. J. Biochem. 157, 1–26 (1986). The 51 entries marked with an asterisk are revisions of the corresponding entries in Enzyme Nomenclature (1984), published by Academic Press, New York.References containing a letter (e.g. 123a) are listed at the end of this article; numbers without letters refer to the Reference List in Enzyme Nomenclature (1984).Comments and suggestions may be sent to any member of NC‐IUB or JCBN: J. F. G. Vliegenthart (Chairman), J. R. Bull, C. R. Cantor, M. A. Chester, C. Liébecq (as representative of the IUB Committee of Editors of Biochemical Journals), G. P. Moss, J. Reedijk, W. Saenger, N. Sharon, or P. Venetianer, to its Secretary, A. Cornish‐Bowden, CNRS‐CBM2, 31 Chemin Joseph‐Aiguier, B. P. 71, 13402 Marseille Cedex 9, France or to E. C. Webb, 1/221 Kings Road, Mundingburra, Townsville, Australia, 4812.

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