
Enzymatic oxidative activity of two fatty fish species, sardine (Sardina pilchardus) and herring (Clupea harengus), was studied during chilled storage. Lipoxygenase enzyme activity was isolated and tested by measuring the hydroperoxides produced after induced oxidation of arachidonic and docosahexaenoic fatty acids. The most abundant degradation products of the hydroperoxides formed were 12- and 16-hydroxy acids which were detected by HPLC. Lipoxygenases were concentrated in the skin tissue of fish, and were active for up to 48 h of chilled storage. The pro-oxidative activity due to haem proteins continued for longer than that due to lipoxygenase. Trends of fluorescent formation resulting from interaction between oxidation products and biological amino constituents were compared with the pro-oxidative activities to establish correlations with quality loss during chilling.

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