
A rapid and accurate method is described for the assay of cholesterol ester hydrolase (CEH) activity. Aliquots of the enzyme-substrate incubation mixture are extracted into isopropanol. The free cholesterol concentration in each extract is determined enzymatically using a single aqueous reagent containing cholesterol oxidase and peroxidase. The free cholesterol remaining after the cholesterol ester hydrolase-catalyzed esterification is converted to delta 4-cholestenone and hydrogen peroxide (H2O2); peroxidase couples H2O2 with phenol and 4-amino-antipyrine to yield a stable rose-colored product absorbing at 500 nm. The method is highly reproducible and the values correlate well with those obtained with the chromatographic radioassay of CEH activity.


  • Aliquots of the enzyme-substrate incubation mixture are extracted into isopropanol

  • One unit of cholesterol ester hydrolase (CEH) activity is defined as the amount of enzyme catalyzing the disappearance of 1 pmolof cholesterol per hr

  • A comparison of thedetermination of CEH activity (0-200 units) with the chromatographic radioassay of Vahouny et al [4] and the enzymatic assay described in the present paper is given inFig. 3

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Aliquots of the enzyme-substrate incubation mixture are extracted into isopropanol. The free cholesterol concentration in each extract is determined enzymatically using a single aqueous reagent containing cholesterol oxidase and peroxidase. The free cholesterol remaining after the cholesterol ester hydrolase-catalyzed esterification is converted to A'-cholestenone and hydrogen peroxide (H202)p;eroxidase couples H202 with phenol and 4-amino-antipyrine to yield a stable rose-colored product absorbing at 500 nm. The method is highly reproducible and the values correlate well with those obtained with the chromatographic radioassay of CEH activity

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