
This paper reports on a nationwide survey of environmental farm plan programmes and plan characteristics, towards determining New Zealand's (NZ's) capability and eligibility for reporting on the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development's (OECD) environmental whole farm management plan agri-environmental indicator. Considerations regarding the validity of the indicator are discussed. Environmental farm planning in NZ is widespread, fragmented, and diverse. Nine of NZ's 16 regional authorities have environmental farm plan programmes involving 20 different types of environmental farm plans. Potentially half of NZ's total area of farmland is included, but this is reduced by limited and selective use of environmental farm plans as policy instruments. Three authorities are capable of readily reporting the number and coverage of their environmental farm plans; six would need to manually compile the information. Compliance monitoring is mostly informal, but necessary for checking the implementation of plan works and actions. Eligibility of NZ environmental farm plans cannot be determined until the OECD define acceptance standards. A contemporary definition of environmental farm plans is proposed, along with additional criteria necessary to ensure such plans are credible indicators of issue ownership, adoption of best management practice, and landscape changes intended to improve environmental quality.

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