
Reductions in the global stratospheric ozone layer arethought to be increasing the amount of ultraviolet B (UV-B) radiationreaching the planet’s surface and may be affecting the chemistry ofdissolved organic carbon (DOC) in surface waters. We studied theabundance of chromophores in DOC collected in four different aquaticenvironments in southwestern Nova Scotia using 13C nuclearmagnetic resonance (13C NMR) spectroscopy. We showed a clearseasonal pattern in the distribution of structural carbon related tolight-sensitive chromophores. There seemed to be little variation in theUV-B related chemical structure of DOC between lakes and streams, thoughwater from a bog pool showed large differences from the other samples. Thesepatterns of potential UV-B reactivity tend to be dampened however, byvariations in DOC concentrations which also occur seasonally.

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