
Updating of the assortment of early spring cereal crops with high resistance to adverse factors is important specifically for the area of high-risk farming, which includes the Middle Amur region. The purpose of this research is to conduct an ecological study of spring triticale cultivars under the conditions of the Middle Amur region. The testing was carried out according to the ecological principles - research of the phonotypical variability of the structural elements of the productivity of spring triticale cultivars and their interrelation in the soil and climatic conditions of the Middle Amur region. Cultivating different regional cultivars of spring triticale in this ecological zone allows you to successfully get 20-30 centers per hectare of grain, but when exposed to stressful environmental factors, the yield varies from the average value up to two times, both in the positive and negative sides. It has been established that the majority of spring triticale specimens are characterized by low ecological resistance to adverse environmental conditions. The revealed correlation relationships of the phenotypic variability of spring triticale indicate the complex and multifactorial nature of the formation of the main structural elements of the productivity of spring triticale under the influence of climate-forming fluctuations of the Middle Amur region. Phenotypic variability of productivity signs is of interest for further selective enhancement of triticale culture to increase the production process under the influence of natural and climatic ecosystems.


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