
Bangladesh is committed to perform on Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and prioritizing climate change issues to create a safe living and working environment for all. Transport has an enormous contribution to society in functioning our daily life also a cause of environmental degradation. More than 95% of containerized cargo are moving from/to Chattogram Port by using road mode that is liable for Carbon dioxide (CO2) emission, congestion, and high transport cost. Rail intermodal is facing capacity constraints in Dhaka rail Inland Container Depot (ICD), and river intermodal is under-utilized for the shortage of hinterland logistics facilities, the mindset of users, and poor terminal productivity. This research applied the quantitative method to analyze the port throughput of Chattogram Port and its hinterland connectivity by nodes to get innovation and sustainability to identify environmental factors in international freight movement economically. On the basis of a literature review, and explored research gaps before data analysis, it is clear that environmental factors including SDGs are not considered in the inland freight transportation systems of Bangladesh. The research findings alerted that people in the freight movement system do not present a wide awareness of their activities and due diligence to environmental sustainability in creating a wider room for the next generations. The quantitative analysis of port throughput data indicated to increase in the share of intermodal especially river intermodal which has a wider scope to use available river ports in all parts of the country naturally. The practical impact of the research is to formulate a long-term environmental strategy in freight transport, corporate execution by all transport business-oriented companies/organizations, and enabling technologies in inland freight operations and monitoring. Overall, this paper provides a conceptual framework for the environmental sustainability of inland freight transportation systems in Bangladesh in doing international shipping and trade.

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