
Due to concern over health effects associated with the use of zeranol, a sampling and analytical method to monitor zeranol in the work environment was developed. The collection strategy included air samples on FHLP filters, area samples on gauze pads, hand/dermal samples on gauze pads and bulk samples. The sampling method evaluation included choice of media, flow rate and duration for air samples, sample preparation, extraction efficiencies and sample stability. Analysis of the samples was accomplished by high performance liquid chromatography with identification and quantification by UV and fluorescence detection. The analytical method evaluation included separation of possible interfering compounds, calibration curves, limits of detection (LOD), limits of quantitation (LOQ), precision and accuracy. The tested analytical range was 0.01 to 150 micrograms/mL with a LOD of 0.007 microgram/mL and a LOQ of 0.02 microgram/mL using UV detection. For the fluorescence detector, the LOD was 0.05 microgram/mL and the LOQ was 0.15 microgram/mL. Peak confirmation was achieved by retention time and comparing the two detector responses. Use of this method provided the sensitivity and specificity to analyze environmental samples for zeranol in the workplace environment.

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