
As the greatest tin producer in Indonesia, Bangka Belitung has been associated with environmental degradation problems. The main cause of these problems is tin deregulation, from state monopoly to autonomy in tin management. Moreover, mining activity has degraded the habitat. These problems lead society, individually or in community, to be more aware of protecting ecosystems. The communities is located in Bangka Belitung. On this research, we will focus on analyzing the environmental rescue activity of two primary figures, Mr. Toha and BECAK (Bangka Environment Creative Activist of Kawa), which will be discussed in Deep Ecology by Arne Naess. The findings show that amid the environmental damage caused by massive lead mining, these local initiatives had a significant impact on environmental conservation in Bangka Belitung. Through the cultivation of mangroves and coastal ecosystem preservation, Mr. Toha managed to prevent further damage and create sustainable habitats for various species. The BECAK community also plays an active role in implementing educational activities, waste management, and environmental advocacy, which influence local environmental policies. In the context of Deep Ecology theory, these two local initiatives reflect Arne Naess’s principles, such as recognition of biodiversity, active participation in society, and the relationship between man and nature.

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