
Mining has been described as an important source of contaminants to the coastal zone worldwide, which is greatly intensified in the case of tailing dam ruptures. This study assessed the environmental quality of the marine coastal area impacted by a mining disaster (Fundão Mine dam collapse on 05 November 2015, Southeast Brazil) by applying a geochemical multi-index and physical approach over 18 months (from October 2018 to March 2020). Nutrients, metal(oid)s and Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons (PAHs) were integrated by quality indexes: Canadian Council of Ministers of the Environment Water Quality Index (CWQI) and the Pollution Load Index (PLI) for water quality; Sediment Quality Guideline Quotients (SQG-q metal(oid)s and SQG-q PAHs) for sediment quality. Three scenarios regarding river discharge and wave-heights (Hs) were considered: 2018/2019-wet, 2019-dry, 2019/2020-wet. An Environmental Risk Assessment framework was built to describe the overall environmental quality in regards to water and sediment quality indexes as well as physical conditions. Here we show that the worsening of environmental quality is highly associated with the decrease of water quality by metal(oid)s (total forms of As and Ni; dissolved forms of Co and Fe) during the 2019-dry scenario when river discharge was at the lowest and the highest Hs occurred. Resuspension of fine sediment and suspended Fe(III) oxy-hydroxide nanoparticles by waves seem to be the main processes for releasing metal(oid)s into the water column. CWQI and PLI showed marginal and polluted conditions for water quality, respectively, and SQG-q for metals and PAHs indicated moderate impact in the sediment during the 2019-dry period. Toxicity to pelagic and benthic fauna is expected to occur in those conditions. Recovery of environmental quality occurred during the 2019/2020-wet scenario, which could be explained by alongshore and offshore transport of sediment and the dilution of aqueous metal(oid)s by intense river discharge on the continental shelf.

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