
In the 21st century, conservation and protection of the environment have become a big issue in every country, whether developed or developing. India has taken a number of steps in this direction, but how far those are relevant, only future will tell, but there is no doubt that since ancient times, there are guidelines and prescription for the environment management. The sacred books, scriptures, Vedas, Puranas including the epics Mahabharat and Ramayan mentioned about the protection of the environment. For this purpose, environment resources like trees, rivers, mountains, lands, etc. were attached to the religion so that they become part and parcel of everyday life of people and they follow in their daily routine. In medieval times also, there were prescriptions for environment conservation. In modern times, mainly after independence, various laws, rules, regulations, by-laws, and policies have been formulated for the protection of the environment in India. A number of organizations/institutes like Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change; National Green Tribunal; Central Pollution Control Board have been established for the environment management. DOI: 10.5958/2347-6869.2019.00001.3

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