
Economists have shown the empirical relationships between the economic growth of a nation and its environmental quality using the hypothesis of the Environmental Kuznets Curve (EKC). To understand the EKC phenomena, a study of the literature was undertaken. As waste, waste emission, and suspended particulate matter (SPM) are the active agents of environmental degradation, the study focused on those agents for EKC consideration. Through understanding the different EKC trajectories, an attempt was made to relate the economic development of Bangladesh to the EKC. It is shown that the EKCs for waste, emissions from waste, and SPM follow the conventional EKC trajectory with a turning point related to higher income per capita in most cases. The type of economic policy that Bangladesh should follow to deal with the pollutants and their sources is also shown. The study recommends creating a tunnel in the EKC to lower the turning point in Bangladesh. The study is likely to help stimulate policy development in Bangladesh.

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