
In recent months, humanity, is experiencing a set of situations that have completely changed the existing balances, worldwide. The pandemic from COVID-19 brings the collective memory back to the terrible Spanish flu, thought to have infected a third of the world's population and killed at least 50 million people, between January 1918 and December 1920.<br /> Approximately one hundred years later, the whole society is facing with a virus—per se weak, but extremely agile in contagion—and the most delicate problem is, once again, how to manage the emergency, how to mitigate the consequences of damage, and how to get the normal living conditions again. One of the consequences of the pandemic, is obviously a widespread economic crisis.<br /> One of the most relevant resources of the Italian country is the Landscape, an unquestionable attraction, due to its geological origin and development.<br /> This work proposes a vision on the situation we are living, aiming at suggesting one of the possible ways to escape some of the virus’s damages, by implementing a balanced fruition/administration/management of the territorial resources.

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