
Conflicts and geopolitical competition of global and regional powers have stimulated regional conflicts in certain geographic areas in the twenty-first century as well as the twentieth century. During the geopolitical conflicts governments to achieve their goals and commitments sometimes violated environmental treaties and human rights and used weapons which severely damaged the environmental resources and civilian population. Middle East as its special features within the world geopolitical system framework has always been in the focal point of competition and geopolitical conflicts in the twentieth century. On the very beginning of twenty-first century, several regional wars happened in the Middle East the weastern countries war against Iraq in a coalition lead by the United States in 2003, Lebanon thirty-three days war in 2006, Gaza-Israel war in 2008, and Yemen and Saudi Arabia's Army war with Shiite rebels in northern Yemen in 2009, are some of the geopolitical conflicts which in many cases targeted and damaged the environment in the region. In all of these conflicts, phosphorus weapons were used in urban areas and against civilians and the environment was severely damaged. White phosphorus is a highly flammable incendiary material which ignites when exposed to oxygen. White phosphorus, flares in spectacular bursts with a yellow flame when fired from artillery shells and produces dense white smoke. It is used as a smokescreen for troop movements and to illuminate a battlefield. White phosphorus has a significant, incidental, incendiary effect that can severely burn people and set structures, fields, and other civilian objects in the vicinity on fire. White phosphorus has destructive effects on the environment and also plants and may remain within the deep soil for several years without any changes. White phosphorus, despite having a severe impact on non-military population and its widespread usage in recent (urban) wars continues to be known as a conventional weapon. According to the third Geneva Convention protocol, first article of the third protocol of Conventional Weopens Treaty, Lahe Court Conference in 1899, the eighth article of International Criminal Court and the first article of ENMOD Convention, deliberate attacks on civilians and civilian facilities, residential areas, places which civilians use, such as hospitals, religious buildings and schools, and using weapons that cause severe injuries or using techniques of environmental change that have severe or, long-term effects on the environment is prohibited. This article,through descriptive-analytical method, has investigated using white phosphorus weapons in the Middle East geopolitical conflicts which urban areas and civilian populations were mainly in the focus.

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