
A series of flash floods that swamped urban drainage systems in Kuwait in November–December 2018 drastically altered coastal hydrography. The phytoplankton responded quickly to the nutrient supply from land and reduced salinity despite elevated turbidity, as evident from rapid increases in chlorophyll a and net community production. Microphytoplankton was dominated by diatoms and the photosynthetic ciliate Myrionecta rubra. Both field observations and microcosm experiments suggested that although increased nutrient availability stimulates diatom growth, microzooplankton grazing controls their outbursts. This study revealed that in a hypersaline system similar to the northern Arabian Gulf, extreme events like flash floods have immediate but short-lived corollaries on coastal phytoplankton due to synergistic effects of bottom-up and top-down factors. The patterns are comparable to those reported from other tropical and sub-tropical systems.

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