
The Republic of North Macedonia undertakes intensive activities aimed at replacing fuels - fossil fuels with renewable energy sources and natural gas, to monitor the modern trends of exit from the energy crisis and environmental protection. Under the efforts of the National Gasification System in the country, i.e. the development of the existing gas infrastructure, the project for construction of the gas pipeline section Sveti Nikole – Veles was developed. The route of the gas pipeline starts east of the city of Sveti Nikole and ends south of the city of Veles with characteristics: DN 200, Ø 8” and length of 27.67 km. The Environmental Impact Assessment process is intended to serve as a primary input for the decision-making process by Macedonian authorities and the IFI in charge (EBRD in this case), which have to approve the Project before its implementation. The decision-making process includes the preparation of all documentation in accordance with the EBRD’s Performance Requirement (PR), The National Legislation, and Good International Practice (GIP). This EIA study identifies the potential negative impacts on the media in the environment from the relevant stages of the project i.e. pre-construction, construction, operations, and decommissioning and reinstatement, and proposes measures for their reduction or mitigation, i.e. improvement of the environment in the Environmental and Social Management Plan.

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