
Introduction: Concerns about the quality of life (QoL) of parents of children with autism spectrum disorder have been raised by previous study. Policy decision-makers and healthcare professionals can be better informed about the environmental factors associated with parental QoL, which will enhance outcomes for both parents and children. The objective of this review is to perform a comprehensive review that assessed the environmental relevant factors associated with quality of life (QoL) of parents of ASD children (under 18 years old). Methodology: To identify the environmental factors associated with parental QoL, a scoping review was conducted using the Arksey and O'Malley original and enhanced framework. Three electronic data bases (PubMed, Scopus & WOS) and reference list checks were used in the search. Results: Social support, family support, residential condition and access to services were all factors linked to parental quality of life in this group. Conclusion: The review clarified environmental factors as one of variables that have association with parental QoL. The results of this analysis also highlighted potential areas of support that have implications on future policy and practices. Keywords : environmental factors, autism spectrum disorder, quality of life, parents, children References CDC. Prevalence of autism spectrum disorders--Autism and Developmental Disabilities Monitoring Network, 14 sites, United States, 2008. MMWR Surveill Summ. 2012;61(3):1-19. CDC. Prevalence of autism spectrum disorder among children aged 8 years - autism and developmental disabilities monitoring network, 11 sites, United States, 2010. MMWR Surveill Summ. 2014;63(2):1-21. Elsabbagh M, Divan G, Koh Y-J, Kim YS, Kauchali S, Marcín C, et al. Global Prevalence of Autism and Other Pervasive Developmental Disorders. Autism Research. 2012;5(3):160-79. McTiernan A, Leader G, Healy O, Mannion A. Analysis of risk factors and early predictors of challenging behavior for children with autism spectrum disorder. Research in Autism Spectrum Disorders. 2011;5(3):1215-22. Simonoff E, Pickles A, Charman T, Chandler S, Loucas T, Baird G. Psychiatric disorders in children with autism spectrum disorders: prevalence, comorbidity, and associated factors in a population-derived sample. J Am Acad Child Adolesc Psychiatry. 2008;47(8):921-9. Bolton PF. Medical conditions in autism spectrum disorders. Journal of Neurodevelopmental Disorders. 2009;1(2):102-13. Khanna R, Madhavan SS, Smith MJ, Patrick JH, Tworek C, Becker-Cottrill B. Assessment of Health-Related Quality of Life Among Primary Caregivers of Children with Autism Spectrum Disorders. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders. 2011;41(9):1214-27.

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