
Information about the effects of environmental degradation on the health of terrestrial forest wildlife is limited, especially for rare species. In this study, we analyse the influence of ecological factors such as landscape characteristics and seasonality on the health status of Baird's tapirs in Calakmul, Mexico. We collected georeferenced photographic records of healthy (n = 32) and unhealthy (n = 22) tapirs from 2008 to 2019 and characterized landscape composition around each record at three spatial scales (circular buffers of 1, 2 and 3-km radii according to Baird's tapir home ranges). Our logistic model building process consisted in selecting the best spatial scale for each landscape cover class, before including them along with distance to human settlements and seasonality in a full model. The model that best explained the occurrence of unhealthy tapirs included the percentage of agriculture within a 1-km radius. This study hints at the negative effect that land-use change to agriculture occurring in Calakmul might have on tapir health, with 95.45% of unhealthy tapirs recorded in such landscapes. Further studies should investigate the proximate determinants of tapir health in anthropogenic landscapes, which might be linked to stress or to contact with domestic animals.

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