
Steam generator began having severe problems 20 years ago. The main causes were wastage, wear, loose parts, denting. These problems were solved by changing the water chemistry treatment method. Therefore these damage types were replaced by stress corrosion cracking on the inner surface of the tubes and most recently by intergranular attack and stress corrosion cracking on the external surface of the tube. Steam generator has experienced various forms of damage, most involving some kind of corrosion. Some of these problems have been virtually eliminated, others are successfully managed, but a few have not yet been brought under control. This study is to evaluate the environmental effects on the susceptibility to stress corrosion cracking in Cr-Mo alloy under simulated crevice condition. The test is simulated by producing drop, wet and evaporation process. The XRF measurement is performed to investigate the amount and distribution of chromium carbide of grain boundaries. The tests are performed in the alkalic and acidic solution under various strain rates.

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