
This study deals with the environmental effects of the problem of urban sprawl facing agriculture in the district of Dallowiya, one of the districts of Salah El-Din Governorate. This problem has affected the land and agricultural production in the district through the decrease in the size of the cultivated areas, which was accompanied by a decrease in production quantities as well as a change in the crop composition, There were many types of urban sprawl, the most important of which is the residential use, which acquired more than 8100 acres during the studied period, then the rest of the other uses represented in health, educational, industrial, commercial, service and governmental uses. The reason for the increased risks of urban sprawl is due to the influence of geographical factors, whether they are natural factors represented in the surface, climate, soil, water resources or human factors whose impact was very large and represented by the increase in population numbers and their needs for services and infrastructure, as well as government policy, economic level and social factor.

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