
The charismatic giant panda (Ailuropoda melanoleuca) is an iconic species of wildlife conservation worldwide. As the most effective measure to protect giant pandas and their habitats, China has established 67 giant panda nature reserves (GPNR) during the last five decades, which also bring benefits to many sympatric medium- and large-bodied mammals (MLM). To better inform the planning of the GPNR network with the view of preserving regional MLM diversity, we investigated the zeta diversity (a novel index to measure species compositional turnover considering the contributions of both rare and common species) patterns (i.e. zeta decline and retention rate curve) of MLMs across 40 GPNRs. The effects of species’ body mass and conservation status on the zeta diversity patterns were tested. Further, we applied the multi-site generalized dissimilarity modelling (MS-GDM) framework to explore the impacts of environmental and geographic distances on MLM turnover. The results indicated that there are a core set of 17 MLM species sympatric with the giant panda in the GPNRs. Species’ body mass can affect the patterns of zeta decline and retention rate curves, and the number of large-bodied species shared by multiple GPNRs is higher than that of medium-bodied species across zeta orders. The MS-GDM revealed the important roles of difference in habitat heterogeneity and spatial distance between GPNRs in driving MLM turnover. Consequently, we advocate maintaining and increasing the diversity of (natural) habitats in GPNRs to protect giant panda's sympatric MLM diversity. The government should consider optimizing the GPNR network (e.g. incorporating multiple small GPNRs into one single large reserve) to capture the most turnover of MLMs, and the newly-established Giant Panda National Park is relevant to fulfilling this long-term goal.

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