
Lepidoptera defoliators can be very damaging to eucalyptus plantations in Brazil. The objective of this study was to evaluate how plant age, the number of rotations, the tree growth rate (m3 of wood per ha per yr), the distance of native vegetation strips from the eucalyptus plantations, and the width of these strips affect the population dynamics of Lepidoptera defoliators in eucalyptus crops. The survey of the lepidopteran species was conducted fortnightly from Sep 1992 to Aug 1994 using light traps in Eucalyptus urophylla S. T. Blake (Myrtaceae) plantations in 4 areas of the Brazilian Amazon region. In total, 1,049, 1,096, 1,020, and 853 Lepidoptera species with 4,413, 3,457, 3,226, and 2,222 individuals and 11, 11, 11, and 10 species of primary pests were recorded. The primary pest species were represented by 272, 772, 963, and 411 individuals, corresponding to 1.1, 1.0, 1.1, and 1.2% of the species and of 6.2, 22.3, 29.8, and 18.5% of the individuals collected in the 4 areas, respectively. Eupseudosoma aberrans Schaus (Arctiidae), Eupseudosoma involuta Sepp (Arctiidae), Nystalea nyseus Cramer (Notodontidae), Oxydia vesulia Cramer (Geometridae), Stenalcidia grosica Schaus (Geometridae), and Thyrinteina arnobia Stoll (Geometridae) were the most abundant and represent 83.2% of primary pests species. The number of individuals of the primary pest species were not correlated with plant age, the number of rotations, the distance of native vegetation strips from the eucalyptus plantations, and the width these strips, but the total number of individuals of defoliating Lepidoptera had an inverse correlation with the growth rate (m3 of wood per ha per yr) of eucalyptus plants. ResumoLepidopteros desfolhadores podem ser muito prejudiciais em cultivos de eucalipto no Brasil. O objetivo desse trabalho foi estudar o efeito da idade das plantas, numero de rotacoes, crescimento das arvores (m3/hectare/ano), distância das faixas de vegetacao nativa das plantacoes de eucalipto e largura dessas faixas sobre a flutuacao populacional de lepidopteros desfolhadores em cultivos de eucalipto. O levantamento das especies de lepidopteros desfolhadores foi realizado, quinzenalmente, com armadilhas luminosas de setembro de 1992 a agosto de 1994 em cultivos de Eucalyptusurophylla S. T. Blake (Myrtaceae) em 4 areas da regiao Amazonica do Brasil. Um total de 1049, 1096, 1020 e 853 especies de lepidopteros com 4413, 3457, 3226 e 2222 individuos, sendo 11, 11, 11 e 10 especies de pragas primarias foi registrado. As especies de pragas primarias foram representadas por 272, 772, 963 e 411 individuos, correspondendo a 1,1; 1,0; 1,1 e 1,2% das especies e a 6,2; 22,3; 29,8 e 18,5% dos individuos coletados, nas 4 areas, respectivamente. Eupseudosoma aberrans Schaus (Arctiidae), Eupseudosoma involuta Sepp (Arctiidae), Nystalea nyseus Cramer (Notodontidae), Oxydia vesulia Cramer (Geometridae), Stenalcidia grosica Schaus (Geometridae) e Thyrinteina arnobia Stoll (Geometridae) foram as mais abundantes, com 83,2% das especies de pragas primarias. O numero de individuos de especies de pragas primarias nao se correlacionaram com a idade das plantas, numero de rotacoes, distância das faixas de vegetacao nativa das plantacoes e a largura dessas faixas, mas o numero total de individuos de lepidopteros desfolhadores teve correlacao inversa com o crescimento (m3/hectare/ano) das plantas de eucalipto.View this article in BioOne

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