
The present paper combines the classification of hedgerows in relation to surface soil moisture with the consideration of drivers of change (environmental, demographic, and policy) affecting the areal extent of hedgerow land cover in central Spain. These landscapes have a high cultural significance and functionality that needs to be preserved and improved. The hedgerow network of a continental Mediterranean mountain was mapped and different levels of surface soil moisture were estimated utilising images of the satellite Sentinel-2. In addition, we analysed the areal extent of hedgerows from 1956 to the present in relation to slope, surface soil moisture and distance from the metropolitan area.In the last 70 years there has been a decrease in the surface area of hedgerows in central Spain. In the study area in particular, this decrease represents 48.26% of the total hedgerow network identified in 1956. 51.62% of abandoned hedgerow areas demonstrate a low degree of surface soil moisture and are usually located on slopes greater than 5%. As a result, driest hedgerows -less fertile, accessible and productive- have lost their functionality in many cases. In addition, urban expansion and the proximity to Madrid Metropolitan Area are processes that have caused the loss of 9.33% of the hedgerows in the study area since 1956.We integrated an overview of European, national and regional policies related to hedgerow functions involving biodiversity, cultural heritage, rural development and spatial planning. This paper contributes to the knowledge of changing Mediterranean hedgerows and the current status of their protection within the different legislations. We conclude there are legislative tools at a European level of interest for the hedgerow landscape, however its identification and management at regional level are scarce.

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