
The environment and its compartments have been severely polluted by heavy metals. This has compromised the ability of the environment to foster life and render its intrinsic values. Heavy metals are known to be naturally occurring compounds, but anthropogenic activities introduce them in large quantities in different environmental compartments. This leads to the environment's ability to foster life being reduced as human, animal, and plant health become threatened. This occurs due to bioaccumulation in the food chains as a result of the nondegradable state of the heavy metals. Remediation of heavy metals requires special attention to protect soil quality, air quality, water quality, human health, animal health, and all spheres as a collection. Developed physical and chemical heavy metal remediation technologies are demanding costs which are not feasible, time-consuming, and release additional waste to the environment. This chapter summarises the problems related to heavy metal pollution and various remediation technologies. A case study in South Africa mines were also used.


  • An environment can be polluted or contaminated

  • Pollution differs from contamination; contaminants can be pollutants, and pose detrimental impact on the environment

  • Pollution is defined as the introduction by man, directly or indirectly, of substances or energy into the environment resulting in such deleterious effects as harm to living resources, hazards to human health, hindrance to environmental activities and impairment of quality for use of the environment and reduction of amenities

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Environment can be referred to the surroundings within which humans exist These are made up of: the land, the water and the atmosphere of the earth; microorganisms, plant and animal life; any part or combination of the first two items on this list and the interrelationships among and between them and the physical, chemical, aesthetic and cultural properties and conditions of the foregoing that influence human health and well-being. It is characterised by a number of spheres that influence its behaviour and intrinsic value. This has introduced components that compromise the holistic functioning of the environment and its intrinsic values [1]

Environmental contamination
Types of pollutants
Inorganic pollutants
Organic pollutants
Biological pollutants
Heavy metals
Sources of heavy metals
Anthropogenic processes
Effect on soil
Effects on water
Mechanisms of remediating heavy metals
Ion exchange
Membrane technologies
Case study of South Africa acid mine drainage
Impacts of heavy metals in South Africa
Legal requirements of water quality
Toxic chemical species
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