
Since the commencement of the Industrial Revolution, there has been a gradual and consistent escalation in the level of carbon dioxide emissions, thus causing a drastic alteration in the global climate. As the most substantial ecological environment system on Earth, the marine ecological environment system has also undergone substantial impacts as a result of these climatic changes. Despite its vast size, minor environmental dilemmas were not emphasized initially, leading to momentous qualitative changes caused by the quantitative ones; consequently, human face critical concerns related to marine ecological environment today. The intent of this study is to delineate corresponding sustainable development approaches for the persisting environmental issues under the theoretical framework of sustainable development. Initially, the causes of climate change are discussed, and the undeniably significant role humans have played is examined. Subsequently, alterations in climate change affect various segments of the marine ecosystem differently concerning seawater hydrological conditions, consequently producing a series of chain reactions that ultimately affect the overall marine ecological environment. Various sustainable development strategies have been proposed under the theoretical framework of sustainable development to address the multiple minor problems that contribute to the overall marine ecological environment issues. This study endeavors to present an extensive summary of the marine ecological environment issue in its entirety; however, it should be followed by further in-depth analysis and consolidation of the ecological environment issues of disparate links in the ecosystem, thereby increasing the effectiveness of the targeting approach. This paper expects that through this study, the specific impact of climate change on the marine ecological environment and the direction that human society must work towards to achieve improvement would be made more evident.

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