
Mountains are unique resource-rich ecosystems characterized by diverse environments owing to their topography, climatic variability and harboring a rich biodiversity. However, the global pace of development has not left these regions untouched posing serious environmental challenges endangering their resourcefulness. In spite of the 'environment friendly' or ‘environmentally sound' concept of development, generally the development is perceived as antagonistic to the health of the environment that of course can be visualized in many cases. Lack of location specific appropriate technology as tool for development in tune with the environmental concerns compounds the problem. There are differences in the perceptions and reality with respect to mountains. The mountain people consider disparity in the pace of development between hills and plains, urban and rural areas within the mountains and more developed and less developed hill villages leading to feel of alienation. A holistic approach of environmentally sound development is difficult to achieve due to differences in the perceptions of different stakeholders with respect to their motives at individual and society level. True change is possible only when it begins in persons who advocate the change. Thus a complete shift in the behaviour, attitude, perception and practices with the element of philosophy is needed to set tone for the environment-development synergy.

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