
Environmental Carrying Capacity is the ability of the environment to support the life of humans and other living creatures and the balance between the two. Food availability and agricultural land are variables to quantify the carrying capacity of the environment for food Availability. This study aimed to analyze the carrying capacity of the field and agricultural land for sustainable food availability in Pandeglang Regency and to analyze how food availability is in Pandeglang Regency. The study used the quantitative methodology approach with literature. The results of the study showed environmental supporting capacity in Pandeglang Regency in all sub-districts, the availability of food produced from the area of agricultural land be exceeded the need or demand for food. This means that Pandeglang Regency has the potential to achieve food Availability and food independence. The carrying capacity of the environment, in this case is the carrying capacity of agricultural land, could be managed properly to meet the food needs of the entire population and able be developed to obtain a surplus in food production. The achievement of sustainable food Availability in Pandeglang Regency is determined by environmental management, especially the optimization of food and land carrying capacity in the local area.

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