
The environmental issue has become a primary concern on social media, prompting SMEs to integrate it into their market approach strategies. In line with the phenomenon that is occurring, the purpose of this research is to examine the role of social media involvement in brand awareness, e-trust, and consumer decision-making. This study is an examination of consumers with a focus on SMEs in Bandung City who conduct environmental campaigns using social media. A survey was conducted on 123 consumers using an online questionnaire, and the data was processed using a path analysis approach. The research analysis is conducted based on the hypothesis testing of the study. The research findings highlight the impact of implementing environmental campaigns on social media on brand awareness and consumer e-trust. Social media indirectly supports consumer purchasing behavior of SMEs products because of environmental concerns. Companies engaged in sustainable business practices and environmental concern can build a positive image in the perceptions of consumers. Social media provides a forum where consumers may share information and experiences, making the reputation of a company critically important.

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