
The article presents data on the content of copper in the plow horizon of the main types of soils of the Tyumen region used in agricultural production, and determines the relationship of its distribution with the main physical and chemical indicators of soils (humus, pH, macroelements). To analyze the geochemical features of the microelement distribution in the soil cover, field, laboratory, and statistical research methods were used. When summarizing and analyzing the material, we used our own research and materials from the reports of the FGBU GSAS Tyumenskaya on the survey of arable soils in the Tyumen region. In all studied types of soils in the south of the Tyumen region, excess of the permissible concentrations of copper is not observed. The content of mobile forms of copper, depending on the type and subtype of soils, varies in the range from 0.15 to 0.25 mg/kg, the total content ranges from 10 to 18 mg/kg. The ratio of the mobile form to the gross content is from 1.05 to 2.29%. A reliable relationship between mobile copper and its total content has not been established. A close correlation has been established between the total content of copper and mobile forms of potassium, humus and the pH level. For mobile forms of copper, there is an average correlation with the content of humus in soils. The relationship between the mobile forms of copper and phosphorus has not been established. The data obtained can be used in environmental monitoring as initial, background reporting points in assessing the degree of pollution of agrocenoses, as well as in predicting the effect of copper in the soil-plant system in the south of the Tyumen region.

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