
Several studies have been conducted with the aim of improving the quality of artisanal Minas cheese, but substantial environmental impacts research is still lacking. This study aimed at identifying potential environment effects, due to the relative lack of this kind of subject. In loco verification was done in manufacturing process, water consumption and solid waste generated from the industrial process. The main environmental aspects observed were: effluents, cheese shavings, cardboard / plastic packaging and chemical products. The process of burning solid waste like cardboard and plastic is made on-site. The effluents generated by these industries are released into the soil in 100% of the cases, without technical criteria. There is an obvious need of establishing effluent treatment systems compatible with the economic reality of producers to minimize negative environmental impacts. Based on this study, could be observed the need for greater interaction between research institutions and small producers with their thirst for knowledge and a guideline for waste management, water use reduction and recycling/reuse considering the environmental as part of the process. The implementation of the project, allowed starting the interaction mentioned, but there are still a lot of hard work ahead.


  • Several studies have been conducted with the aim of improving the quality of artisanal Minas cheese, but substantial environmental impacts research is still lacking

  • In loco verification was done in manufacturing process, water consumption and solid waste generated from the industrial process

  • The effluents generated by these industries are released into the soil in 100% of the cases, without technical criteria

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O queijo é um dos alimentos processados mais antigos registrados pela história da humanidade. A literatura voltada ao gerenciamento ambiental tem focado bastante a relação entre medidas ecologicamente corretas e o aumento da competitividade (SETTE et al, 2005), sem, no entanto haver um modelo que leve em consideração aspectos sóciopolítico-culturais dos pequenos segmentos de produção, devido talvez à sua pouca visibilidade, muito embora sejam representativos e culturalmente ainda mais importantes. A produção de queijo artesanal na Serra da Canastra, representação cultural de resgate à tradição do típico queijo minas artesanal (EMATER, 2004), ilustra com bastante clareza esse quadro, realçando a necessidade de se conhecer a relação cultural das pessoas envolvidas no processo produtivo e o meio ambiente para posterior caracterização metodológica de possíveis impactos e a criação de um modelo de gestão que trabalhe essa relação, além de também atender às exigências da Legislação. Dessa forma, o objetivo do presente trabalho foi efetuar um estudo preliminar dos aspectos ambientais na produção de queijos artesanais da Serra da Canastra

Resíduos gerados e seu destino
Consumo de água
Aspectos ambientais e medidas de controle
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