
The article is devoted to the analysis and evaluation of the prospects for the formation and development of the legislation of the Russian Federation in the field of creation and operation of carbon landfills and carbon farms. According to the results of the study of regulatory legal acts and methodological documents in the field under consideration, legal problems have been identified that could potentially affect the provision of the strategic goal set in the documents of state strategic planning to achieve carbon neutrality of the Russian Federation by 2050.The conclusion is proved, according to which completely different areas of the natural environment are provided and currently used for the implementation of a pilot project for the creation of carbon polygons, while the current environmental legislation does not establish the specifics of the use and protection of natural resources and objects during the creation and operation of carbon polygons. At the same time, the legal regime for the use and protection of natural resources within the boundaries of the carbon landfill has not yet been created, nor has a unified legal model for the use of carbon polygons been formed.Based on the results of the study, the main directions for improving the current legislation on environmental and legal support for the creation and functioning of carbon polygons are proposed. Also, based on the results of the study, the conclusion is substantiated that there is a need for a separate comprehensive intersectoral regulatory legal regulation of the creation and operation of carbon farms created on the basis of existing carbon landfills, including regulation of the procedure for the creation, production and subsequent circulation of carbon units, the creation of a carbon unit trading market, a system for monitoring the circulation of carbon units, etc.

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