
Research methods For substantiation of the research results, the following methods of scientific analysis were used: systemic, situational, historic, logical, and typological; methods of structural and functional, descriptive expertise, statistical, graphical, and table analysis, economic and mathematical modeling. Introduction Swiftness of changes, which take place in the biosphere, their direct interconnection and interdependence with the results of human activities make local city authorities implement modern and safe technological solutions. The ecological doctrine of Russia, which was passed over the recent years, formed legal foundations for ecological management of urban environment and offered to use the mechanism of public-private partnership and organization of small and medium business for these purposes. Contemporary urban management includes the following spheres of activities: provision of population with main services (safe drinking water, high-quality services in healthcare and education); effective use of local resources; formation of ecological frame and innovational infrastructure. During evaluation of urban economy, it is important to provide correct accounting of the level of human influence on the environment [2,3]. Types of human influence on nature include: industrial influence according to sectorial peculiarities; communal and transport influence; influence on nature and landscape environment. The Green Bridge initiative, which appeared in 2012 at the Summit Rio+20, became a practical mechanism of international transition to the "green economy" with focus at technological progress and increase of experience of environment management. Another relevant example is strategic approach to development of cities, established by the European Commission. The documents clearly determined top-priority directions, formulates goals and indicators for each of them (Fig.1). A rather large circle of studies confirms that economy, based on knowledge, became a reality. Knowledge becomes a source of well-being, so it is important to determine which knowledge and management are able to provide competitive advantage for cities. The achieved level of science, education, and production in cities is rather important for solving this issue. A new view at cities management was developed due to the EU's passing the concept of technological platforms which are to concentrate efforts of authorities, scientists, and entrepreneurs in the sphere of promotion of nature-like and resource renewable technologies [11, 12]. Axiomatical statement that nature can take a lot ceased to be a reality. Load on nature environment became so huge that many cities ceased to be safe for living. A lot of time passed before this was realized, but not amended. It is necessary to change approaches to organization of ecology management in a city: creation of single base of legal and normative regulation; conduct of wide propaganda and explanatory work among population for saving attitude towards urban resources and natural environment; application of modern integral methodologies of calculations and methods of ecology management; use of mechanisms of public-private and municipal-state partnership during realization of infrastructural projects; stimulation of small enterprises' constructing complexes for separate collection of communal waste [8,9]. Table 1 systematizes main factors and indicators of socio-economic development of middle-sized cities. The most perspective concept of city development in the XXI century, in view of ecological limitations (environment's possibility to accept and absorb various types of waste and pollution of human activities; level of non-return of natural resources, spent by human)--green cities. Main approaches to provision of development of green cities to their ecological balance could be formulated in the following way: urban planning should be started from analysis of plans of development of the country and region and have full analysis of ecological indicators of the city development [9]. …

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