
The Friedel-Crafts acylation is one of the most fun da men tal and im por tant re ac tions from syn thetic, in dus trial and phar ma co log i cal points of view. It is a use ful method for the syn the sis of arylketones. The for ma tion of com plexes be tween the arylketone and the ac ti va tor (cat a lyst) im poses the use of the lat ter in at least a stoichiometric amount or more, e.g. AlCl3. The cat a lyst used can not eas ily be re cov ered and re cy cled. Con se quently, car ry ing out such a re ac tion on an in dus trial scale gen er ates con sid er able waste. In or der to solve this prob lem, some cat a lytic Friedel-Craft acylations have re cently been de vel oped. 1 The search for cat a lytic con di tions has pro duced nu mer ous in ves ti ga tive works, par tic u larly in the use of Lewis ac ids (LA) such as FeCl3, 2 ZnCl2, 3 BiCl3, 4 or

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