
Dependence logics are a modern family of logics of independence and dependence which mimic notions of database theory. In this paper, we aim to initiate the study of enumeration complexity in the field of dependence logics and thereby get a new point of view on enumerating answers of database queries. Consequently, as a first step, we investigate the problem of enumerating all satisfying teams of formulas from a given fragment of propositional dependence logic. We distinguish between restricting the team size by arbitrary functions and the parametrised version where the parameter is the team size. We show that a polynomial delay can be reached for polynomials and otherwise in the parametrised setting we reach FPT delay. However, the constructed enumeration algorithm with polynomial delay requires exponential space. We show that an incremental polynomial delay algorithm exists which uses polynomial space only. Negatively, we show that for the general problem without restricting the team size, an enumeration algorithm running in polynomial space cannot exist.

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