
Compared to conventional zero-shot learning (ZSL) where recognising unseen classes is the primary or only aim, the goal of generalized zero-shot learning (GZSL) is to recognise both seen and unseen classes. Most GZSL methods typically learn to synthesise visual representations from semantic information on the unseen classes. However, these types of models are prone to overfitting the seen classes, resulting in distribution overlap between the generated features of the seen and unseen classes. The overlapping region is filled with uncertainty as the model struggles to determine whether a test case from within the overlap is seen or unseen. Further, these generative methods suffer in scenarios with sparse training samples. The models struggle to learn the distribution of high dimensional visual features and, therefore, fail to capture the most discriminative inter-class features. To address these issues, in this paper, we propose a novel framework that leverages dual variational autoencoders with a triplet loss to learn discriminative latent features and applies the entropy-based calibration to minimize the uncertainty in the overlapped area between the seen and unseen classes. To calibrate the uncertainty for seen classes, we calculate the entropy over the softmax probability distribution from a general classifier. With this approach, recognising the seen samples within the seen classes is relatively straightforward, and there is less risk that a seen sample will be misclassified into an unseen class in the overlapped region. Extensive experiments on six benchmark datasets demonstrate that the proposed method outperforms state-of-the-art approaches.

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