
The paper analyzes the probability distribution of the occupancy numbers and the entropy of a system at the equilibrium composed by an arbitrary number of non-interacting bosons. The probability distribution is obtained through two approaches: one involves tracing out the environment from a bosonic eigenstate of the combined environment and system of interest (the empirical approach), while the other involves tracing out the environment from the mixed state of the combined environment and system of interest (the Bayesian approach). In the thermodynamic limit, the two coincide and are equal to the multinomial distribution. Furthermore, the paper proposes to identify the physical entropy of the bosonic system with the Shannon entropy of the occupancy numbers, fixing certain contradictions that arise in the classical analysis of thermodynamic entropy. Finally, by leveraging an information-theoretic inequality between the entropy of the multinomial distribution and the entropy of the multivariate hypergeometric distribution, Bayesianism of information theory and empiricism of statistical mechanics are integrated into a common "infomechanical" framework.

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