
Let f : X → X be a self homeomorphism of a continuum X, we show that the topological entropy of the induced system (2X,2f) is infinite provided that X\\Ω(f) is not empty. If furthermore X is a regular curve then it is shown that (2X,2f) has infinite topological entropy if and only if X\\Ω(f) is not empty. Moreover we prove for the induced system (C(X),C(f)) the equivalence between the following properties: (i) zero topological entropy; (ii) there is no Li-Yorke pair and (iii) for any periodic subcontinnum A of X and any connected component C of X\\Ω(f), C ⊂ A if A ∩ C ≠ ∅. In particular, the topological entropy of either (2X,2f) or (C(X),C(f)) has only two possible values 0 or ∞. At the end, we give an example of a pointwise periodic rational curve homeomorphism F : Y → Y with infinite topological entropy induced map C(F).

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