
The dynamics of quantum entropy, energy, and entanglement is studied for various initial states in an important spectroscopic Hamiltonian of bent triatomic molecules H2O, D2O, and H2S. The total quantum correlation is quantified in terms of the mutual information and the entanglement by the concurrence borrowed from the theory of quantum information. The Pauli entropy and the intramolecular energy usually used in the theory of molecules are calculated to establish a possible relationship between both theories. Sections of two quantities among these four quantities are introduced to visualize such relationship. Analytic and numerical simulations demonstrate that if an initial state is taken to be the stretch- or the bend-vibrationally localized state, the mutual information, the Pauli entropy, and the concurrence are dominant-positively correlated while they are dominantly anti-correlated with the interacting energy among three anharmonic vibrational modes. In particular, such correlation is more distinct for the localized state with high excitations in the bending mode. The nice quasi-periodicity of those quantities in D2O molecule reveals that this molecule prepared in the localized state in the stretching or the bending mode can be more appreciated for molecular quantum computation. However, the dynamical correlations of those quantities behave irregularly for the dislocalized states. Moreover, the hierarchy of the mutual information and the Pauli entropy is explicitly proved. Quantum entropy and energy in every vibrational mode are investigated. Thereby, the relation between bipartite and tripartite entanglements is discussed as well. Those are useful for the understanding of quantum correlations in high-dimensional states in polyatomic molecules from quantum information and intramolecular dynamics.

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