
Comparison-based algorithms are algorithms for which the execution of each operation is solely based on the outcome of a series of comparisons between elements [5]. Examples include most sorting algorithms, search algorithms, and more general algorithms such as Heapify which constructs a heap data structure from an input list [5]. Comparison-based computations can be naturally represented via the following computational model[12]: (a) model data structures as partially-ordered finite sets; (b) model data on these by topological sorts (aka linear extensions); (c) considering computation states as finite multisets of such data; (d) represent computations by their induced transformations on states.In this view, an abstract specification of a sorting algorithm has input state given by any possible permutation of a finite set of elements (represented, according to (a) and (b), by a discrete partially-ordered set together with its topological sorts given by all permutations) and output state a sorted list of elements (represented, again according to (a) and (b), by a linearly-ordered finite set with its unique topological sort).Entropy is a measure of “randomness” or “disorder.” Based on the computational model we introduce an entropy conservation result for comparison-based sorting algorithms: “quantitative order gained is proportional to positional order lost.” Intuitively, the result bears some relation to the messy office argument advocating a chaotic office where nothing is in the right place yet each item's place is known to the owner, over the case where each item is stored in the right order and yet the owner can no longer locate the items. Formally, we generalise the result to the class of data structures representable via series-parallel partial orders–a well-known computationally tractable class [6,7]. The resulting “denotational” version of entropy conservation will be extended in follow-up work to an “operational” version for a core part of our computational model.

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