
Abstract. Indoor change detection is important for building monitoring, building management and model-based localization and navigation systems because the real building environment may not always be the same as the design model. This paper presents a novel indoor building change detection method based on entropy. A sequence of real LiDAR scans is acquired with a static LiDAR scanner and the pose of the LiDAR scanner for each scan is then estimated. Synthetic LiDAR scans are generated with the pose of the LiDAR scanner using the 3D model. The real LiDAR scans and synthetic LiDAR scans are sliced horizontally with a certain angular interval and the entropy of all slices of LiDAR scans is then calculated. Differenced entropy between two corresponding slices of real LiDAR scans and synthetic LiDAR scans is calculated for the classification of the changes. Each slice of real LiDAR scans will be classified into one of the four categories of changes: unchanged, moving objects, structural change and non-structural change. Experimental results show that unchanged slices and slices containing moving objects can be accurately detected, achieving 100% accuracy while non-structural and structural changes are detected with an accuracy of 98.5% and 86.3% respectively.

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