
This article is about the profound misuses, misunderstanding, misinterpretations and misapplications of entropy, the Second Law of Thermodynamics and Information Theory. It is the story of the “Greatest Blunder Ever in the History of Science”. It is not about a single blunder admitted by a single person (e.g., Albert Einstein allegedly said in connection with the cosmological constant, that this was his greatest blunder), but rather a blunder of gargantuan proportions whose claws have permeated all branches of science; from thermodynamics, cosmology, biology, psychology, sociology and much more.


  • Boltzmann defined the entropy in terms of the total of number accessible micro-states of a system consisting of a huge number of particles, but characterized by the macroscopic parameters of energy consisting of a huge number of particles, but characterized by the macroscopic parameters of energy E, E, volume V and number of particles N

  • Probability Formulations of the Second Law for Isolated Systems. We present here these three equations which relate the difference in some thermodynamic quantity, with the ratio of probabilities: Pr(final)

  • The first is valid for an isolated system, the second for a system at constant temperature, and the third for a system at constant temperature and pressure. It is clear from Equations (27) that the probability formulation of the Second Law, which will state below, is far more general than any of the thermodynamic formulations in terms of either entropy, Helmholtz energy or Gibbs energy

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“Students are told that the theory must be accepted they cannot expect to understand it They are encouraged right at the beginning of their careers to forsake science in favor of dogma.”. My main purpose is to deal with the following perplexing question and quandary: How, a simple, well-defined, “innocent” and powerless concept, called inadequately “entropy” had evolved into an almighty, omnipresent, omnipotent, multi-meaning and monstrous entity, rendering it almost God-like which drives everything and is the cause of everything that happens. The Second Law of Thermodynamics, or the fact that there’s an arrow of time in our universe that leads to entropy and the running down of everything. These statements are typical nonsenses written in many popular science books. I believe that such a claim is the most perverted view of entropy and the Second Law

The Unique Nature of Entropy
Outline of the Article
Three Different but Equivalent Definitions of Entropy
Clausius’s “Sefinition” of Entropy
Boltzmann’s Definition Based on Total Number of Micro-States
ABN’s Definition of Entropy Based on Shannon’s Measure of Information
First Step
Third Step
The SMI of a Particle in a Box of Volume V
Step Four
E 2 3
Various Formulations of the Second Law
Entropy-Formulations of the Second Law
Probability Formulations of the Second Law for Isolated Systems
The Probability Formulation of the Second Law
Some Concluding Remarks
The Order-Disorder Interpretation
Entropy as a Measure of Probability
Entropy as a Measure of Irreversibility
Entropy as Equilibriumness
The Association of Entropy with Time
Entropy and Evolution
Application of Entropy and the Second Law to the Entire Universe
Full Text
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