
AbstractIncreasing entropy is a measure of disorder in an aging system, where death is the ultimate or maximum disorder. Excess Entropy and Excess Entropy Production characterize the entropic distance from and the rate of approach to maximum disorder. Excess Entropy and Excess Entropy Production were calculated from the thermodynamics of irreversible processes for 39 human subjects now dead. Longevity tracks were calculated, based on these concepts. Comparisons of lifespan projections from these entropy tracks against actual longevity were: Within one year (16% of the subjects); within 4 years (48%); within 7 years (74%). These Excess Entropy tracks can be useful as diagnostic tools, such as when medical stresses drive the subject off the normal decreasing (type I) track onto a rising (type II) track. Recovery from the medical stress yields a resumption of decreasing (type III) track.

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