
Introduction: Entrepreneurs provide a new impetus to sectors and industries by generating innovative ideas and solutions. This increases competition, contributes to increased productivity and moves the economy forward. This study aims to reveal the importance of entrepreneurship by emphasizing the economic, social and societal dimensions of entrepreneurship. It is known that the contributions of entrepreneurship to economic growth, employment, innovation and the solution of social problems cannot be ignored. It should never be forgotten that promoting entrepreneurship culture and supporting entrepreneurs is therefore an important public responsibility. Entrepreneurship is one of the driving forces of innovation and technological development. Purpose: The aim of this study is to reveal and emphasize the importance of entrepreneurship. By emphasizing the positive effects of entrepreneurship on economic growth, job creation and social development, it aims to explain why entrepreneurship is important for society and economy. Methodology: In this study, panel data obtained from Turk- Stat were analyzed using different statistical analysis methods. Panel data were organized for analysis and hypotheses were formulated for the research. In addition, a structural model was created according to the data and the content of the research and the main purpose of the study was tried to be revealed. SPSS and Eviews statistical programs were used to analyze the organized data. The basis of the study is to determine the importance and contribution of active and passive entrepreneurs in employment dynamics. Findings: After the analysis and findings, it is seen that there is a gradual decrease in entrepreneurs in Turkey and this situation causes unemployment, while new entrepreneurs remain passive in terms of entrepreneurship. Conclusion: After the findings and analysis, it was determined that entrepreneurship should be supported more, the importance of entrepreneurship in terms of employment, and if entrepreneurship is not supported, it will cause a decrease in employment and production capacity.

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