
Entrepreneurship and entrepreneurial activities represent driving force of developed economies from national economic point of view. From individual point of view of each entrepreneur, it mainly represents possibilities of applying and developing potential innovative business ideas and ensuring independent and freer future existence of individuals. Small and medium-sized enterprises form a significant part of the economy in developed economies and are characterized by many positives in the current turbulent world. Also, for these reasons, European Union support the development of entrepreneurial activities and the development of entrepreneurship appears as an important topic in the educational environment as well. Today, there are already identified approaches to the development of entrepreneurship at the European level, which enable the effective development of relevant entrepreneurship competence, especially in primary and secondary education level. Entrepreneurship Competence Framework - EntreComp, is interconnected with other frameworks for the development of wide range of competences among pupils. From theoretical point of view, pull and push factors can be identified to support entrepreneurship among future entrepreneurs, which motivate future entrepreneurs to enter business. In our paper, we focus on identification of the situation in implementation of entrepreneurship support in the Czech Republic in the broader concept of education policy, with subsequent focus on possibilities of developing entrepreneurship among university students in Brno. We analyse the motivation of students for entering a university course focused on the development of practical competences leading to the possibility of active action in the role of entrepreneur. We connect the results of the analysis with the theoretical approach to the development of entrepreneurship and with the approaches of the official education policy in the Czech Republic. We hope that this will confirm the correctness of our approach to the development of entrepreneurship competence and support the development of other activities in this area.

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