
An investigation was undertaken to study the entrepreneurial behaviour of pig farmers in the Kamrup district of Assam from August to October 2010. Out of the total 17 developmental blocks of Kamrup district of Assam, the study was conducted in two purposively selected development blocks, Rampur and Chayani-Barduar. From these two selected blocks, a list of villages predominantly having higher pig population was prepared, with consultation of district officials of the Panchayat and Rural development department and the District Veterinary Officer, Kamrup, Assam. From the selected list, five villages from each block were choosen randomly to carry out the present study in 10 villages. From each selected village, 10 piggery farmers were selected to obtain a sample size of 100 for the study. The entrepreneurial profile turns out to be low with respect to leadership ability (45%) and cosmopoliteness (82%); medium with respect to innovativeness (59%), knowledge of enterprise (44%), information seeking behaviour (44%), risk taking orientation (73%); and equal percentage (36%) of medium and high with respect to decisionmaking behaviour. Overall, the study revealed that 53, 25 and 22% of the respondents had medium, low and high levels of Entrepreneurial Behaviour Index, respectively.

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