
For a modern market economy, entrepreneurial activity is the most important factor in the growth of the population's well-being. The development of market processes in the Russian Federation contributed to the revival of entrepreneurship, organically linked to the market. Today, in economically developed countries, entrepreneurial structures account for most of all forms of organizations. In modern Russia, the state also retains only a part of organizations and enterprises. In the course of privatization, many enterprises were transferred to private ownership. Moreover, the number of private enterprises is growing all the time. Support and development of small businesses are becoming increasingly important for the socio-economic development of the country. This circumstance is because small businesses solve significant social and economic problems. Employment growth is of particular importance among these tasks. Significant is the Document on Small Business Policy in the European Union, presented in 1995. According to this document, targeted assistance to small businesses is considered the most profitable way to create new jobs. State support for this type of business in various countries of the world is carried out in the form of concessional lending, creation of support funds, permission to use accelerated depreciation, etc. This situation requires increased attention on the part of the state to solving problems of creating the necessary conditions for the effective functioning of small business structures. As the world experience shows, small business activity is impossible without appropriate economic, political, and legal conditions.

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